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Coach Dee

Updated: Jul 14

I had the honor to speak with Coach Dee during a one-on-one session. During the session, there was one piece of insight shared that I would like to reflect on. In so many words, Coach Dee mentioned only being willing to embrace the ones willing to grow.

I want to reflect on the meaning of her insight because of the reasoning behind her words. It's a simple notion that should spark a conversation for positive change in a continuous forward motion. It's a request for a team of ideas. And, an idea that doesn't consist of judgment is the best form of growth.

During my journey, I heard we might be in the room, but not at the same table. In this scenario, I'd like to add how this shouldn't change the capability in the room. All in all, opportunities depend on support, feedback, and collaboration in a manner that works for everyone.

Carl Sagan said: "We can judge our progress by the courage of our questions and the depth of our answers, our willingness to embrace what is true rather than what feels good."

These points of view should shine light on how important it is to tolerate the willingness to improve, forgive..., and collaboratively incorporate new ideas together.

With Coach Dee, I realized how important it is to want to share what is important to you as a human being so that you can move forward with a team that can also share in attempts to help create a life free from mischief.

Thanks, Coach Dee.











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